
After School Care

The Extended Day Program (EDP) at Good Shepherd Catholic School includes supervised and structured activities for your child. For a child to participate in the Extended Day Program, they must be registered and the required emergency authorization forms must be on file. 

FEES 2023-2024

Registration Form: ASC Registration 23-24
Registration Fee: $30.00 per family
Full time participation for PK-Grade 8 students:
1 child $10 per day; $50 per week
2 children $15 per day; $75 per week
3 children $18 per day; $90 per week
PK-Grade 8 Drop Ins: $ 12.00 per day
Early Dismissal Days: $ 5.00 extra per child
Late Pick Up Fees: $ 1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Your child is expected to arrive in EDP by 3:30 [for PK through 3rd grade] or 3:45 [for 4th through 8th grade]. Children staying with a teacher MUST bring a note to that effect to the cafeteria and report back to the cafeteria when leaving the teacher’s supervision.

Student Pick-Up: A parent or authorized adult must come into the cafeteria each day to sign the child out. Notification in writing is required if someone other than the originally authorized persons will be picking up the student. A driver’s license will be required for identification.

Snacks: A small snack and drink will be provided each day. On early dismissal days, please send a lunch for your child.

Payment Policy: Payments may be made to the EDP or to the school office. There is a $30 fee for returned checks.

Charges: There is a 15-minute no-charge period.

  • PK-3rd = 3:15 – 3:45 PM no charge. From 3:45 – 4:15 PM, you will be charged one half.
  • For 4th-8th, there is no charge from 3:45 – 4:00 PM. From 4:00 – 4:30, you will be charged one half.

Student Pick-Up During Sports Season: Students staying in the after-school program while waiting for sports practice will be charged for the time they are under the director’s supervision. When practice starts at 4:00, there is no charge. If practice starts at 5:00 or 6:00, the charge is $10.